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Widden Primary School

Year 1


Welcome to year 1, we are very excited to see all the amazing progress each child will make this year. Your year 1 teachers this year are, Miss Ali and Miss Judge.

This term we have a range of exciting units. Our topic is 'Race to Space', where we will be exploring the achievement of Neil Armstrong. We will be acting out his first steps on the moon and exploring all things space.

In maths we will be progressing to learn about numbers within 20, helping us to be successful mathematicians. Science will be all about animals and classifying the groups they belong to. We can't wait to get started.

In English, we are looking at the story 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon. This is about an alien whose spaceship has crashed onto earth, the poor alien is lost and alone. We will explore her journey into finding friends on earth and returning home to space with her parents. 




PE days 

Our PE days this term will be Monday and Thursday. Please can children come to school in their PE clothes ready, on these days.

Monday's session will be all about fitness and Thursday will be gymnastics.

Home learning

Home reading books should be brought to school daily. Please listen to your child read every day.


Please email your child's teacher if you have any questions, queries or concerns.

Class Teachers can also be reached via Class Dojo.

Miss Ali - (Rosen)

Miss Judge - (Butterworth)