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Widden Primary School

Pupil Premium

Statement of intent:

The purpose of Pupil Premium funding is to provide suitable high-quality teaching, targeted academic intervention and wider pastoral support to enable socioeconomically disadvantaged pupils the opportunities they require to both achieve well academically and in their wider personal development.

Our intention is that our pupils, irrespective of the challenges they face, will make good progress and achieve across all curriculum areas.

Use of Pupil Premium funding at Widden Primary School centres on the pursuit of consistent quality-first teaching and the removal of barriers to learning so that high-quality learning opportunities and experiences are maximised.

Evidence is clear that this approach directly contributes to increased outcomes. Amongst these outcomes, we are ardent in our expectation that all children who received pupil premium funding will make good or better progress and hold steadfast in our school aspiration that all of our pupil premium pupils can attain at or above national age-related expectations.

To view our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement, please visit our School Policies & Documents page.