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Widden Primary School


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Welcome to Reception 

Meet the Reception Team 

Mrs Marshall


Murphy Class Teacher (Monday - Wednesday)

Mrs Wathen

Murphy Class Teacher (Thursday and Friday) 

Miss Moss 

Donaldson Class Teacher

Miss George

Teaching Partner

Mrs Bharoocha

Teaching Partner

Mrs Duncanson

Teaching Partner (Part Time)

If you have any questions you can contact your teacher by email:

Mrs Marshall -

Mrs Wathen -

Miss Moss -

Welcome to Reception! Our Reception classes are Murphy Class with Mrs Marshall and Mrs Wathen and Donaldson Class with Miss Moss.

We have started the year with our topic "Marvellous Me" where we have been getting to know our new school, our teachers and making new friendships. We have started our Phonics lessons and already know lots of new sounds! We have had a very exciting start to our first year at school.

Forest School & PE days

PE and Forest School  - Thursday 

Please send your child a pair of wellington boots to wear during our Forest School sessions. 

Our books this term are...

We have some exciting texts to explore for our "Marvellous Me" topic including -

Our Class is a Family - this is a lovely book that is great for helping children to settle into school by building and strengthening the class community.

Colour Monster - we will be exploring different emotions and feelings and thinking about how we can manage our emotions.

When I was a Child - this text has some wonderful illustrations and is based around the imagination of a child. We will be creating our own imaginative worlds in our Literacy lessons.

You Choose - we will be using this book to create our own stories. In this book you can create a different story each time. We will be discussing our own favourite things and getting to know our friends by learning about their favourite things too.